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Human vs. Machine learning: which content writer is more reliable

As Artificial Intelligence becomes increasingly innovative, robust, and ubiquitous, professionals worldwide are growing concerned about the possibility of being replaced by Machine learning. Many businesses, regardless of their size, require a significant amount of online content, including website descriptions, blog articles, social media copy, and use cases. The question that arises regarding AI writing is whether it can replace human writers. So, let’s delve into this topic further.

A Grad Student Used AI to Write two Essays

Tiago, a business master’s student, attempted to use AI to create two essays for a final course. He used the neural network AI algorithm GPT-2 for this purpose. Despite passing, he admitted that the essays fell short of expectations. Tiago received one of the worst scores among the 80% of students who passed, highlighting the constraints of AI writing. This experience underscores the importance of students not assuming that they can achieve high grades merely by pushing a button.

AI’s Writing Capabilities

AI’s writing capabilities have drastically improved in recent years due to advances in natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning. Now AI models can generate human-like text with high accuracy and coherence. This has allowed for the creation of various applications such as chatbots, language translation, content creation, and even news article writing.

One of the primary advantages of AI writing is its speed and scalability. AI models generate content at much faster rates than human writers, making it ideal for producing large amounts of material quickly and efficiently. Plus, this 24/7 service ensures a constant supply of high-quality work.

Another advantage of AI writing is its capacity for personalization at scale. Utilizing data analytics and machine learning algorithms, AI models can analyze user data and behavior to generate tailored content based on individual preferences and interests.

However, AI writing has its limitations. While models can generate coherent and accurate text, they lack the creativity and intuition that human writers bring to the table. Furthermore, AI models may struggle with understanding subtleties, context, or humor which could lead to misinterpretation or tone. Finally, AI-generated content may lack emotional impact and authenticity that human-written material can deliver.

So, AI writing capabilities have advanced tremendously and now offer many advantages such as speed, scalability and personalization. However, they still have limitations and cannot replace human creativity and intuition completely.

When It Comes to Writing, a Human Touch Is Essential.

There are multiple reasons why humans excel at writing compared to machines. One crucial factor is how humans think and process information. Machine learning depends on algorithms to determine the content to create, but these algorithms cannot distinguish between facts and opinions. Instead, they only generate data points based on their pre-programmed instructions.

AI writers have limitations in several areas compared to human writers, including:

  • Analyzing audiences and personas in a conversational tone to demonstrate empathy and understanding requires the human touch.
  • Demonstrating authenticity is challenging for AI writers since they are more prone to inaccuracies caused by a lack of precise comprehension of context. Inaccurate content could potentially harm a business.
  • Finding compelling synonyms that aptly express emotions is difficult for AI to replicate. Human writers possess the skill to select from numerous words and phrases to create a satisfying reading experience.

Humans have an intuitive understanding of how people respond to various topics or issues. They recognize what makes people laugh or cry. To achieve optimal results in marketing strategies, it is currently best to use a combination of human and machine-generated content.

For instance, AI-generated content can be useful when targeting specific audiences like millennials or Generation Z. However, human writers and editors are still needed to create, approve, and enhance the material based on insights gained from AI-generated scripts.

What does the Future hold for Machine Learning?

Although experts believe that machine learning will eventually reach a level of sophistication that enables it to excel in academic writing, this is still far from reality. The success of machine learning in surpassing humans in any given task hinges on the quality of data that feeds into its algorithms.

The main challenge to overcome is how to incorporate creativity into the machine learning process, which is currently constrained by fixed formulas. This limitation renders it unsuitable for generating even basic articles.

While machine learning is adept at mimicking the writing style of a particular author, it often produces strange and illogical results that lack coherence and meaning. Consequently, it falls short of being able to generate original content.


AI writers are most useful for tasks that require scalability, fact-finding, and keyword optimization. AI writing can be helpful to clean up your old content and improve it. However, as long as brands prioritize establishing a unique identity and engaging with their audience, human writers will continue to be in demand.

Despite the continuous advancement of technology, AI systems still have a long way to go before they can imagine, feel, and understand complex emotions and creatively express them. For now, human writers can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing their skills will remain valuable to create content that ranks in Google.


Q: Which is better: human or machine learning content writing?

A: The answer to this question depends on the specific needs and goals of a given project. While machine learning content writing can be useful for producing large volumes of content quickly and cost-effectively, human content writing offers a more personalized and creative approach that may be better suited to certain types of content or audiences.

Q: Can machine learning content writing replace human content writing?

A: While machine learning content writing can produce useful and informative content, it is unlikely to completely replace human content writing in the near future. Human writers offer a level of creativity, intuition, and cultural understanding that is difficult for machines to replicate.

Q: Can human content writing benefit from machine learning?

A: Yes, machine learning can be used to assist human content writers by providing insights and data that can help them create more effective content. For example, AI tools can be used to analyze audience behavior and preferences, identify trending topics, and optimize content for search engines.

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