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Content and SEO: should you do it yourself?

Without SEO, there is no good content, and without content, there is no visibility. Content marketing and search engine optimization both focus on the target group. The myth that SEO experts only optimize your website for the search engine and not for humans is false. Your potential customers are always the focus. You are looking for a solution to a problem and finding the right answer. If your website visitors look around, linger, read, and click on the page, this has a positive effect on your visibility.

The content that you, your marketing agency, or your SEO copywriter produce should be published where your target audience is. That can be on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Or create a video and upload it to YouTube. It always depends on where you want to reach your target group and in which stage of the customer journey you want to pick them up.

Good, high-quality content on your website convinces your readers and editors on other websites. If they see your writing as relevant and trustworthy, there is a high chance that they will link to your article. Check our complete guide of the best tips to boost your SEO efforts.

SEO – do it yourself or hire an agency?

SEO is a science in itself and cannot be learned in a few days. Instead, SEO experts acquire their knowledge over many years or even decades and know what is important.

An SEO agency cannot do SEO without your cooperation. You know your company and your industry best. They also know your target audience and may know what they call certain products or services. So, focus on that exact keyword. Agencies have the right tools for keyword analysis and can evaluate the data.

Do you know your content management system, and do you know where to install plugins, set meta descriptions, and enter snippets in the backend of your website? Whether WordPress, Typo3, Joomla, or October, every CMS is different. An SEO expert knows what and how to change aspects of your website to achieve your goals. This is what makes hiring an SEO agency a great choice.

Content Marketing – do it yourself or hire an agency?

Producing content sounds easy. Open Word, and you’re good to go. Put in the supposedly right keywords, and your new blog article is ready. And all of this in just two hours.

It’s nice when you can take the time to write, produce and edit videos in your stressful everyday life and then also put them online on your website or on social media channels.

Content marketing starts with the strategy. The exchange with experienced professionals can help you to find and expand your strategy.

  • What is your goal?
  • Who is your target group?
  • Where and how do you reach your prospects?
  • What is the right channel for your business?

You should be aware of this before you start writing. And writing also needs to be learned. Passive sentence constructions with many nested sentences will not convince your target audience. Simple sentences, getting to the point, and the right content help best with your content marketing.

So, you understand that taking of your content yourself is not easy. In addition, without the right experience, your content might not be the best for your business. All this explain why hiring a content marketing manager is important.

An alternative to hiring a new content marketing manager is a content marketing agency. Agencies already have the right tools to create content (keyword tools, editorial planners, image editing tools, video editing tools, etc.). Of course, an agency runs independently 90% of your projects; you should help with content corrections, among other things.

Conclusion – content marketing vs. search engine optimization

So, you can see that content marketing and SEO complement each other perfectly. The future of digital marketing lies in the combination of content marketing and search engine optimization. SEO is only limited to your website; content marketing takes place in many different channels.

Search engine optimization is a must for the visibility of your website. It can solve many issues, especially technical ones, which can lead to a good ranking on Google & Co. Rely on good content that is tailored to the needs of your target group and customers.

All in all, business owners should take care of SEO and content to succeed online. ArticleHub can help you with the content part and write the best articles for your site. Contact us to learn more about our services.

Article Hub

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