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Is it Possible to Rank in 1st Place in SERPs?

Ranking in first place for SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) is the goal of every website owner and SEO. It’s where most traffic comes from, so what could be better than being at the very top? However, achieving the number one spot is no simple task. There are multiple factors to take into consideration before you can get there.

What are SERPs?

SERPs are the Search Engine Result Pages. They are the pages that come up when you search for something on Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine. The first few results on these pages are the ones that you want to aim for if you want to get traffic to your website.

Is Ranking in 1st Place Impossible?

No, it’s not impossible. There are many things you can do to rank higher in SERPs. It’s just tricky because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. You have to tweak your approach to the specific website or keyword for which you’re trying to rank. That said, there are a few general tips that could help, and we have compiled them here for you!

5 Tips to Rank Higher in SERPs

In order to rank higher in search engine results, it is important to make an effort to maximize your website SEO. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are trying to improve your website’s ranking:

  1. Create engaging content that will keep people coming back time after time. If Google sees that lots of people are visiting your site due to its original content, it’ll assume that your webpages must have some value.
  2. Delete any duplicate content on your site and make sure that all of the pages are unique. Google penalizes sites with duplicate keywords, so you’ll want to make sure yours doesn’t have this problem.
  3. Don’t stuff keyword phrases into your site’s code in an attempt to fool the search engine bots. These things are smart enough to notice when it comes to that sort of thing, so don’t even try it! Keyword stuffing is not only ineffective but can result in serious consequences from Google if they catch you doing it.
  4. Link your website with social media websites like Facebook and Twitter for extra traffic referrals. This gives some incentive for people follow your links and visit your site.
  5. Be patient! Ranking in first place can take weeks or even months if you really want to be number one. It’s the “End-game” in every SEO’s list of goals, so stick in there and you’ll get there eventually!

How Long Does It Take to Rank On the 1st Page?

Rankings in SERPs can depend on a lot of things. The quality and content of your webpages, the keywords you use and how you position them, and so on. It’s not an exact science and there is no definite answer to how long it’ll take to get ranked. However, as with most things, the more effort you put into it, the more you will get out of it. Therefore, having a well-designed SEO strategy is vital to ranking higher in search results.

Why is Ranking High So Important in SERPs?

The first page of SERPs is important because that’s where most of the traffic comes from. According to a study by Chitika, the top spot on the search engine results pages gets 33% of all the traffic, while the second and third spots get about 18% of the traffic combined. If you want to get traffic to your website, you need to rank as high as possible on these pages.

That being said, one website alone – the one that ranks at the top of the search results – will get a third of all the clicks being spread out across hundreds of thousands of websites. Therefore, the moment you are no longer on the first page of results in a Google search, you are hundreds of times less likely to have a potential client click on your website than your competitor at the top of the first page.

Can a New Company Rank Higher Than an Established One?

It is possible for a new company to rank higher than an established one. However, it’s not going to be easy. There are a few things that the new company needs to do in order to outrank the established one.

The first thing that the new company needs to do is to make sure that their website is as optimized as possible. This means that they need to make sure that their website is correctly coded, has good navigation, and is properly keyword-rich. They should also make sure that their website is updated regularly with fresh content.

The second thing that the new company needs to do is to build up their backlink profile. They need to create links from high-authority websites that are relevant to their industry. They can do this by conducting blogging outreach, guest posting on relevant websites, offering free webinars to sites that are relevant to their business, and so on.

The final thing the new company needs to do is create high-quality content that is link worthy. If they create valuable infographics or videos that other people want to share, the new company will be able to generate backlinks that are relevant. These high-quality content pieces can also generate conversions for their website.

Importance of Backlinks for SERPs

Backlinks are important for your website because they tell Google how much other people like your site. If there are a lot of backlinks, Google will think that you have a good website. However, not just any backlinks will do the trick. It is important that you hire an experienced team that offers high-quality backlinks to really get you the results your website needs and deserves.

When it comes to backlinks, look no further than ArticleHub. We have years of experience in the backlink industry and can help your website rank higher than your competitors! Let’s get you that top position in SERPs, contact us to get started today!

Article Hub

We work with bloggers and perform real manual outreach to ensure relevant, long-lasting links that improve rankings and drive traffic.