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Google Trends Data For SEO Strategies Within the US Sports Betting and Superbowl Market

A unique feature of the US sports market is that it’s truly dynamic and seasonal; with this in mind, it’s clear to see how this might have an impact on the way that US betting companies and websites implement different SEO strategies. Indeed, since high-competition keywords typically only remain active for a very short time period, it remains clear to see that different SEO strategies may be needed to identify the most suitable keyword targets overall.

Why Traditional SEO Strategies are Ineffective for Dynamic Websites

Traditional SEO strategies are well accepted in many different applications, and with this in mind, they could be excellent solutions to consider for your own website development strategies.

So, as we’ve clarified, SEO is a critical component of many different websites’ marketing efforts. However, if you want to get the most from this, it’s still crucial to consider how you can find the most relevant keywords and search terms for your content. And, if you operate a website within the sports betting market, you may have considered giving traditional keyword research strategies a try.

If this is the case for you, then you may have reached out to specialist SEO tools such as Moz and the like – however, there’s a serious flaw here that could leave your sports betting business lagging behind the crowd. As a dynamic market, things can change on a daily – or even hourly – basis for websites in the sports betting field. With this in mind, many traditional keyword research solutions, though tried and tested for non-dynamic sites, simply can’t stack up.

The Limitations of Traditional Keyword Research Tools

Traditional keyword research tools are great, don’t get us wrong. Still, there are a few critical weaknesses and limitations that make them less suitable for application within dynamic markets.

Perhaps the most obvious drawback and limitation of traditional SEO research tools is their delayed response to market changes. The delay means that, by the time valuable keywords are showing, you’ve already missed the market. It’s a mistake that can be costly for your sports betting website; as such, an alternative strategy will prove crucial.

But that’s not the only issue posed by traditional SEO tools. Indeed, many traditional SEO tools also have the limitation that they struggle to show seasonal trends, making it hard to judge when trends spike and when these trends tail off. Naturally, this represents a challenge for websites to adjust and implement the most effective strategies in time to target these ideal markets.

A Different Strategy for Keyword Research for Dynamic Sites

Dynamic websites need to implement unique SEO and keyword research strategies to be successful – and, with this in mind, you may want to consider using the Google Search Trends tool. As we have outlined in a moment, the Google Search Trends tool is capable of providing a far more in depth and thorough look at markets and how they adjust with different events and the like.

What’s more, the tool is even able to display interest by region, giving dynamic websites more control than ever before over the search terms they’re focusing on. For sports betting sites, in particular, the start of a season will often be when we see the biggest spikes – for example, for NFL-related keywords, the NFL season continually triggers massive spikes in search volume every time. What’s more, since the Google Search functions consider the NFL and Super Bowls separately, it’s possible for websites to directly target these terms rather than having to combine both simultaneously.

Los Angeles Rams

To begin with, let’s consider the keyword “rams odds” for the Los Angeles Rams. As can be seen from the figure below, there was a huge spike for this keyword around the start of 2019. This is pretty easy to explain since the rams reached the Super Bowl for that year. However, average search terms would struggle to display this information, making it easy to see how specialist tools can provide a more valuable solution.

Los Angeles Rams: US Sports Betting

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Cincinnati Bengals

Next up on our list are the Cincinnati Bengals. A quick search of the term “Bengals odds” will yield very different results – but, if you head to the Google Search Trends platform, you’ll see much more valuable information about the location and the specific timelines for when this keyword spikes. Indeed, since the Bengals will participate to the Super Bowl LVI, it’s easy to see why this might be the case.

Cincinnati Bengals - Sports Betting

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New England Patriots

Let’s do the same for the New England Patriots, who have been suffering a rather lacking few years recently after a spike of successes. Once again, this is something that’s well-demonstrated with the Google Search Terms.

New England Patriots - Sports Betting

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Dallas Cowboys

Along a similar line, the Dallas Cowboys team also tends to see a relatively stable set of trends, with annual spikes for around 1/3 to ½ of the year. However, in 2018, the team’s successled to a massive spike, with search volumes hitting roughly twice the norm.

Dallas Cowboys

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Kansas City Chiefs

The Kansas City Chiefs are another popular team, and they achieve an average of 800 searches per month. However, from the below figure, it’s easy to see that these spikes are still highly influenced by a short window of time – and once again, this correlates to the matches in which the team played.

Pittsburgh Steelers

Finally, let’s consider the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Pittsburgh Steelers team is often one of the most consistent – although perhaps not overly successful throughout their careers. Nevertheless, the Pittsburgh Steelers achieved unparalleled success during the 2017 year – and, as we notice, there’s a huge spike during that period.

What’s more, it’s also well worth considering that the vast majority of searches derived from Pennsylvania – and, unsurprisingly, that’s just where the Pittsburgh Steelers team originates from.

Pittsburgh Steelers

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Find Out More

If you’re ready to find out more about the US Sports betting market and its unique approaches to SEO, then please don’t hesitate to contact our team today. We’re immensely proud to offer some of the most effective and reliable SEO support, and we understand that every website has unique requirements for SEO overall.

As such, we have always made it our mission to ensure that there’s an SEO solution for every website – and we hope that today’s guide may have helped you find a suitable opportunity for your own website development efforts overall. Ready to get started with your SEO strategy? Reach out to our team at ArtibleHub!

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