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Should You Hire Backlink Building Companies to Manage Your Link Building?

When it comes to maintaining a profitable online marketing strategy, there are many companies that have been forced to develop their own in-house teams to handle this kind of work. In particular, one of the most widely used and effective types of digital marketing is link building. Many businesses today hire outside professionals to manage their link building. Should you hire backlink building companies​ to manage your link building? In this article, we will answer this burning question.

What is Link Building?

If you are not familiar, link building is the process of earning links from other websites to yours. This is one of the most common strategies used to gain an advantage in search engine rankings, especially for competitive keywords. It has long been considered a major component of any online marketing campaign. However, there are many misconceptions about “link building” that may lead some companies to avoid this strategy entirely because they do not want to be seen as buying links or participating in other manipulative efforts.

Earned vs Purchased Links

When you earn a link on another website by offering valuable content or using social media effectively, that’s known as an “earned link.” If you pay money or use spammy tactics to influence webmasters so they will link to your site, that’s a “purchased link.” Purchased links are usually easy for search engines to identify as spam and will lead you to lose credibility in the eyes of Google. In short, when it comes to buying backlinks, ensure you do it from a trusted team that knows how to avoid your website from being flagged by search engines.

Why Businesses Use Link Building

People naturally want their business or website to come up higher in a search result than a competitor who offers similar products or services. Higher rankings lead more potential customers directly to a company website. As a result, companies often hire outside professionals – either full-time staff members or outside vendors – who have experience with link-building campaigns specifically designed for long-term online marketing success. These campaigns can be extremely effective when properly implemented. However, they require a significant investment of time and resources.

Link building is not an effective strategy for every business by itself, but it should be part of any sound online marketing campaign. It is essentially impossible to create a highly ranked website without it these days unless you have already established your reputation offline, or your competitors are not actively trying to get more search engine traffic. Anyone who tells you otherwise is usually selling some snake oil product designed to take advantage of inexperienced marketers.

For most businesses with a potential customer base on the internet, link-building efforts will be critical if they want to succeed in today’s marketplace. If this describes your company’s situation, then hiring backlink building companies​ can help maintain and build links quickly and effectively, as they’ve been doing for years.

Why Hire Backlink Building Companies?

For many companies who do not possess the necessary time and resources to focus on building long-term link-building strategies, hiring backlink building companies​ can be a highly effective and practical solution.  Hiring professional outside help allows businesses to stick to what they’re best at – running their core business – while outsourcing tasks that would take up valuable time and resources. A dedicated team of experienced veteran marketers will quickly create a sound strategy with the goal of increasing website traffic from search engines. Businesses don’t have “all day” to dedicate to strategic marketing efforts, but if you hire an outside vendor or contribute toward an in-house team’s efforts, you will start seeing results in no time.

There are plenty of reasons why you should consider hiring backlink building companies​ to manage your link building. For one, it can be difficult to find reliable services that deliver high quality results without charging a premium for them. There are many fly-by-night operations marketing themselves as “SEO experts” who quickly build links but do not promote sustainable strategies that result in long-term success for the business they’re working with. Hiring an experienced and reputable company will save you time and money – two things which businesses often cannot afford to waste – by making sure you receive value for every penny spent on their efforts by receiving high authority backlinks that will have a real positive effect on your website.

A more obvious benefit of hiring backlink building companies​ is the ability to focus on other aspects of your business while still seeing results from search engine optimization. Every small business owner’s first priority should be running the day-to-day tasks of their business, not marketing and building links. Hiring an outside firm will give you the peace of mind that your website is being marketed effectively while allowing you to focus on upcoming goals for your company.


There are many benefits to hiring backlink building companies to manage your link building. You’ll be able to spend less time on the marketing efforts and more time focusing on what you do best. But not all companies who offer this service are professional, so it’s important for you to research before signing any contracts. One of the first steps is knowing how many years they’ve been in business and if they have any testimonials from other satisfied customers. The fact that they’re still in operation today is a good sign that there might be some value there for you as well.

For example, at ArticleHub, we have a professional team of backlink experts with over 10 years of experience. Our services are the best on the market and bring visible results to our clients.

When it comes to hiring a backlink company to handle your link building needs, there are certainly many advantages, but only when you choose a reliable provider, such as ArticleHub.

Article Hub

We work with bloggers and perform real manual outreach to ensure relevant, long-lasting links that improve rankings and drive traffic.