You are currently viewing 7 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring an SEO Link Building Company

7 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring an SEO Link Building Company

Hiring an SEO link building company can be a daunting task. There are so many companies out there that claim to be the best, and it can be hard to determine who is telling the truth and who is just trying to scam you. In this blog post, we will discuss seven red flags to watch out for when hiring an SEO link-building company. By knowing what to look for, you can avoid getting scammed and find a company that will help your business reach its online goals!

What is an SEO Link Building Company?

An SEO link-building company is a company that specializes in helping businesses improve their search engine rankings by building links to their website. These companies will typically have a team of link builders who will work to create links from high-quality websites.

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are looking for an SEO link-building company. We will cover 7 of these things in this article!

Red Flag #1: The Company Has Bad Reviews

The first red flag to watch out for is bad reviews. If a company has a lot of negative reviews, that is a major red flag. You should always check out reviews before hiring any type of company, but this is especially important when hiring an SEO link-building company.

There are a few different places that you can find reviews for companies. One place to look is the Better Business Bureau website. You can also do a simple Google search for “[company name] + review” and see what comes up. If you see a lot of negative reviews, it’s best to steer clear of that company!

On the other hand, you should keep in mind that anybody can write a company review so take them with a grain of salt since the reviews could be written by a competitor. The best way to get an accurate idea of what a company is like is to talk to somebody who has actually used their services.

Red Flag #2: The Company Offers Guaranteed Results

The second red flag to watch out for is a company that offers guaranteed results. Anytime somebody offers you a guarantee, it should be a major red flag. SEO is an ever-changing field, and there is no way to guarantee results. Any company that claims they can guarantee results is not being truthful with you!

On the other hand, a company that shows you a clear plan for your link-building campaign with goals or expected results is being upfront with you and is more likely to be a reputable company.

Red Flag #3: The SEO Link Building Company Has No Track Record

The third red flag to watch out for is a company that has no track record. If a company doesn’t have any case studies or testimonials from past clients, that is a major red flag! A reputable SEO link-building company will have no problem providing you with case studies and testimonials from past clients.

This is an important one to keep in mind because it can be easy for somebody to create a fake website and claim to be a reputable company. If you can’t find any information about the company online, that is a huge red flag, and you should avoid working with them!

Red Flag #4: The Company Uses Black Hat Techniques

The fourth red flag to watch out for is a company that uses black hat techniques. Black hat techniques are shortcuts that might help you achieve results in the short-term but will ultimately hurt your website in the long run.

Some examples of black hat techniques include link farms and keyword stuffing. These techniques might help you achieve short-term results, but they will ultimately hurt your website’s ranking and reputation. If a company is using black hat techniques, it’s best to steer clear! These kind of sketchy practices can cause your website to be penalized by Google, according to Semrush, and that is exactly why it is never a good idea to hire someone who uses these methods.

Red Flag #5: Their Prices are Abnormal

While it is normal for there to be some variation in pricing between different SEO link-building companies, you should be wary of companies that have prices that are abnormally low or high.

If a company’s prices seem too good to be true, they probably are! In the SEO world, you get what you pay for. If a company is charging rock-bottom prices, it’s likely because they are using low-quality techniques that will ultimately hurt your website.

On the other hand, if a company’s prices seem abnormally high, they might be trying to take advantage of you. While there are some companies that charge higher rates because they provide higher-quality services, you should always do your research to make sure that this is the case before hiring a company.

Red Flag #6: They Hide Their Link-Building Methods

The sixth red flag to watch out for is a company that tries to hide their link-building methods. A reputable company will have nothing to hide and will be upfront about their methods.

If a company is being secretive about their methods, it’s likely because they are using shady techniques that they don’t want you to know about. Steer clear of these companies and look for ones that are transparent about their methods! Otherwise, you could be the one facing the consequences if something goes wrong.

Red Flag #7: The Company Website is Brand New

The seventh and final red flag to watch out for is a company whose website is brand new. While there are some legitimate companies that are new to the scene, it’s always best to be cautious when hiring one.

Check the date of the domain name registration using a tool like SmallSEOTools and see how long the website has been active. If it’s only been a few months or less, that is a major red flag! A reputable company will have an established website that has been around for a while.

Final Thoughts

Hiring an SEO link-building company can be a great way to improve your website’s ranking and visibility. However, it’s important to be cautious when hiring one. Watch out for these seven red flags to avoid getting scammed or worse!

If you are looking for a reliable SEO link building company that is upfront and transparent with all of their processes, contact us at ArticleHub to see how we can help you today!

Article Hub

We work with bloggers and perform real manual outreach to ensure relevant, long-lasting links that improve rankings and drive traffic.