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How to find and use long-tail keywords

If you think getting your content to rank for the high-competition keywords is a difficult task, there’s a simple solution for it: long-tail keywords!

They can drive a lot of traffic to your content and may increase your business’s revenue.

In this article, we’ll take a look into what long-tail keywords are, and how you can find and use them.

What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

Let’s clear one misconception before we get into defining long-tail keywords: they have nothing to do with the length of the keywords!

Long-tail keywords are those keywords that have a low search volume.

How To Find Long-Tail Keywords

Here are a few ways you can find long-tail keywords:

By Using Google Suggest

Google Suggestions are a great source of variants in long-tail keywords. Just type away your keywords in the Google search box to see what variants Google suggests. If you see a Google suggestion for your keywords, you can rest assured that it is a phrase that people have been searching. However, keep in mind that these suggestions won’t always be great, but they will be a good inspiration for your content.

Try Google Related Searches

At the far bottom of a SERP, you would see Google Related Searches with several hyperlinks. You can get more suggestions from here with more personalization.

Switch Up Your Keyword Research Tool

You’re definitely selling yourself low and potentially losing out on lots of long-tail keyword combinations if you just use one keyword technique each time you search for keywords. A great yet simple tool and a decent place to start is the Google Keyword Tool, but if you’re searching for more long-tail keywords, consider social media tools, such as that of YouTube’s, Google Trends, etc. Using a combination of different keyword research tools increases your chances of finding more variations of those keywords.

Dig The Analytics

Truth be told, your analytics may not always tell you the keyword phrases that drive traffic to your website. By searching into the keyword referrers, you’d find a lot of long-tail inquiries that are generating traffic for you. Such keywords may be important to your business, but a particular page on your web may not yet be extremely focused. You can then create content on your website incorporating that keyword to have more visitors on your website.

Use The Search Query Report

If you’re conducting an AdWords PPC campaign, you can utilize your Search Query Report the same way you use your analytics—this being just one of the many ways your SEO can be guided by PPC results. Instead of your organic search results, your Search Query Report informs you regarding the search queries that push users to click on your ads. As another advantage, you have more access to this data than you do in Google Analytics for your organic referrers.

Search eHow

Sites such as eHow are almost exclusively powered by keyword analysis, mostly long-tail research of keywords. Demand Media, an organization that owns eHow, as well as other websites, uses strong algorithms to identify long-tail keywords for hyper-targeted content on which it can then rate.

You may not have the data bases of Demand Media by your side or incredibly profitable advertising algorithms, but you could still also learn from the approach. For keyword suggestions, browse these pages. You can guarantee it has search volume if eHow targets a keyword term and that marketers are involved in buying positions on such sites.

How To Use Long-Tail Keywords

Now, let’s discuss how you can utilize long-tail keywords in your content to drive more traffic.

Define The Purpose Of Your Content

You have to identify the purpose of the content before you really incorporate long-tail search phrases into your online content effectively. Alone, having long tail keywords won’t do all that.

The more you get serious about the technique of content marketing, the better your performance will be. One Oracle figure shows that “content marketing yields more ROI per dollar invested than paid search.” In the case of long-tail keywords, it is fundamental to become a long-tail pro with a good collection of relevant keywords.

Understanding Buyer Personas

Who are the people you are targeting with your content? By defining buyer personas, you will work this out.

A customer persona is essentially a simulation tool, according to Stan and Stacy. It’s a portrayal that you’d like to draw to your blog or web with a single ideal reader.

Creating and managing buyer personas enables content marketing smoother and more reliable and is part of the search tool for keywords. It allows you to stop making ads or targeting the wrong list of specific keywords for the wrong audience.

People find it much easier to grasp the opportunities. You will see at a glance each pertinent information about them.

And the point in time you know what’s going on inside the mind of your client, incorporate long-tail keywords, boost search traffic, and make your marketing efforts more effective.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we talked about long-tail keywords. What they are, how you can find them, and how you can use them in your content.

We hope that you found this guide helpful and would use this for incorporating long-tail keywords in your content. For excellent link-building services, head over to

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