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How Much Do Monthly Link Building Services Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

Any search engine optimization expert will tell you that link-building is an ongoing and essential part of any successful SEO strategy. In order to maintain and improve your website’s ranking in SERPs, you need to continuously acquire new links from high-quality websites. This is why many companies invest in monthly link-building services to ensure that they are constantly building new links to their site. But how much does this process cost? Stick around as we discuss the real cost of these services.

What are Monthly Link Building Services?

Monthly link-building services are, quite simply, a service that helps you acquire new links to your website on a monthly basis. This can be done through a variety of methods such as guest blogging, directories, and sponsorships. Link building is an important part of SEO because it helps improve your website’s authority and ranking in SERPs.

How Much Do Monthly Link-Building Services Cost?

The cost of monthly link-building services can vary depending on the quality of the links, the number of links, the methods used to acquire them, and more. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $5000 per month for these services. However, there are a few factors that can affect how much you’ll ultimately end up paying. Below, we cover the main factors that will influence this to help you determine how much these services will cost your website/company.

Factors That Can Affect the Cost of Monthly Link-Building Services

There are a few key factors that can affect how much you’ll pay for link-building services. These include:

Link Quality

High-quality links from websites with high Domain Authorities will cost more than links from lower-quality websites. This is because it takes more time and effort to acquire links from high-authority sites. The quality of a link is determined by a number of factors, including the PageRank of the linking page, the relevance of the link to your website, and more. When all of these factors are taken into account, it’s not surprising that high-quality links cost more.

Number of Links

Another factor that can affect the cost of monthly link-building services is the number of links you need. The more links you need, the higher the price will be. This is because it takes more time and effort to acquire a large number of links. If you only need a few links, you can expect to pay less than if you need dozens or even hundreds of links. However, keep in mind that many service providers offer discounts on bulk orders, so it’s always worth asking about this before you commit to a service.

Link Acquisition Methods

The methods used to acquire links can also affect the cost of monthly link-building services. For example, if a service provider uses automated software to build links, they will be able to do it much cheaper than if they did it manually. Although, manual methods often guarantee better results and are worth the extra expense. This is because you have full control over the links that are built, and you can be sure that they’re of high quality.


Besides how many links you want to buy and the quality of them, the industry in which your website operates will also play a role in how much you’ll pay for monthly link-building services. For example, if you have a website in a highly competitive niche, such as technology or fashion, it will be more difficult to acquire links. This means that service providers will charge more for their services. Similarly, niches that are often prohibited by Google, such as gambling and payday loans, will also be more expensive. This is because it takes more time and effort to acquire links for these types of websites.

Additional Services

Some monthly link-building services include additional features such as content creation, social media promotion, and more. These additional services will obviously cost extra. However, they can be worth the investment if they’re done well and help improve your website’s ranking.

How Large of a Budget Should You Set Aside for Monthly Link-Building Services?

The size of your budget will ultimately depend on a number of factors, including your website’s niche, the competition level, how many links you need, and more, as we have covered above. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should set aside at least $500 per month for these services. For larger campaigns requiring hundreds or even thousands of links, you can expect to pay $5000 per month or more.

Where Can You Find Monthly Link-Building Services?

Now that you know how much these services cost, you’re probably wondering where you can find them. The good news is that there are a number of reputable service providers out there, however, we think ArticleHub is the best (we might be biased). Although, our track record speaks for itself. With clients as large as China Airlines, Dobel Tequila and Intel, it’s no surprise that we’re one of the leading service providers in the industry.

If you’re interested in seeing how much our services would cost for your website, feel free to contact us for a free quote. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and give you an estimate of what you can expect to pay. Thanks for reading!

Article Hub

We work with bloggers and perform real manual outreach to ensure relevant, long-lasting links that improve rankings and drive traffic.